Thursday, January 6, 2011

AZ Mural

This is the space the mural is going to occupy. The room is approximately 20 feet high, 20 feet long & 20 feet wide.
The sketch has been transfered to the wall and painting has begun.
painting continues

Here is some of the progress I've accomplished. Some adjustments in the original sketch have been made.
On-going adjustments in the sketch and painting can be seen in this progress photo
This is a shot of me during painting. The light streaming in through the south facing windows obscures some of the mural, but this picture gives you an idea of the scale of it.

I'm having some difficulty with the placement of shadows. This proves to be an on-going issue, until my fellow artist Maeona Urban who read of my complaint on my facebook page, re-issues some advice she gave me years before to "walk away from the painting", give it a few days, then look at it through a mirror. The problem should be clear.... thus, the solution. Maeona, you are a life saver.

Here is another shot of me with the mural. There are problems that pop up with the original sketch, once the elements of the mural have been fleshed out, so adjustments are ongoing.
Here I've added the cactus placement and am incorporating more rock elements.
Adjustments have been made to some of the highlights on rocks and the cactus have been fleshed out some.
Here's another shot of me working on the mural.
Here is a shot from the stairway to the second story of the house. The water element has just been laid in and foreground rock shapes proposed,

This is the view of the mural from the second story balcony.

1 comment:

  1. Ok this looks like way too much work but what a great thing.
